November 20, 2014

A new blog post..finally!


So obviously life got a little crazy for me and one thing that was dropped was blogging. Sad to say that the little newborn below is now 3 and even has a little brother! Yikes! I’ll try to do better these days. Slowly but surely I am getting back to what I love…photography. I have been doing this since I was 17 years, which means I have been doing this for over (just barely) 20 years. So what have I been doing for the past 2 1/2 years?! I opened up a children’s boutique and have been just overwhelmingly (I don’t even know if that is a word) busy. I mean b u s y. Too busy. I also gave birth to another sweet baby Swede…a girl. We have 2 girls now. They are sweeter than sugar. Almost all of the time even. The baby just turned 2 and I don’t know how that happened. There’s lot’s to catch up on but for now I will leave you with a picture of my girls in their Christmas outfits by Le Za Me that I am selling in my store!