My name is Dana Andreasson and I own Orange Cat Photo. I have been shooting professionally for over 15 years. I graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill (GO HEELS!) where I was awarded the “Award for Documentary Photojournalism”, a prestigious award that gives grant money to fund a documentary project of your choice. With the grant money I went to South Africa and lived in a village with the Xhosa people for a couple of weeks. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. That experience taught me so many valuable lessons about people and their relationships with one another. I also learned how much I loved photographing those relationships. As raw and beautiful as the landscape was, it was the people that drew me in. Still today, it’s the people that draw me in; I love catching those moments between a mom and her daughter the first moment she is fully dressed as a bride, the silliness between siblings during a session, the smiles between a couple as they walk down the aisle officially married. I want people to not just see my images but feel them.
Here’s a few of my favorite things…
My 2 little blonde headed babes.
My Swede
My friends
Throwing on the wheel
Sauvignon Blanc
Live music…especially if it involves a fiddle, mandolin, and banjo!
Being in foreign places
Orange Cats 😉