It’s November and I thought it would be good for me to take time and express my thanks for so many blessings in my life.
November is probably my favorite month of the year. I love fall, the colorful leaves, wearing jeans, sweaters, and boots. But the biggest reason I love November is because there are so many people I love and cherish that celebrate their birthday this month! For my family, this really is the pre-party for Christmas.
Here’s a breakdown:
Nov. 3 :: Martin’s {my husband} maternal grandmother
Nov. 5 :: Arne’s birthday {relative to Martin and dear friend}
Nov. 9 :: My maternal grandmother {deceased, but always remembered}
Nov. 15 :: My brother-in-law
Nov. 17 :: My brother Daniel
Nov. 18 :: My childhood friend, Carrie. {We were often mistaken for sisters and that was just fine with me!}
Nov. 21 :: My birthday!
Nov. 23 :: My mom’s birthday
Nov. 26 :: Martin’s birthday
Nov. 30 :: Martin’s dad’s birthday {father-in-law}
You will notice most of these birthdays are in my immediate family! November is such a fun month and so that is why I am going to start this series out showing my appreciation to the month of November and all of the celebration it brings!
Here’s a couple of pumpkin pics that I took with my iPhone